Ok its like this... my non lsd 4agze has made 1 of my tyres into like a slick type minus the grip part and the other front tyres not so flash!!
As my cars only rolling on 14s and my WOF is comin up soon I was wondering if someone had some 14" tyres lying round....2 of the same size and type would be good... and cheap as Im a student and dont exactly has a huge cash flow atm.
So most of you know who i am (the guy that turns up to meets in the skeleton hoody most of the time) and before you go on about STOP DOING BURNOUTS!!! i know i am stopping hahaha nah serious Im trying!
If you wanna contact me PM me or 0273057446
Id really appreciate if someone could help me out as I dont wanna fail a WOF cos of 1 tyre and i know all you guys out there with 15"+ rims will have a pair of 14" tyres lying round that u wanna sell off to me for cheap!!
Cheers Heaps
And for your help please stare at the following....