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eritate wrote:
Caldina - Blue car
other car - orange
Caldina slow to pull out of giveway sign.... Other car comes screaming through. and takes out the back right corner ?
B1NZ wrote:Leon is right, generally if your hit on the right hand side at a roundabout your in the wrong, Hopefully you had the commonsense to call the police straight away and get an accident report.
Otherwise it may come back and bite you, It doesnt matter if the car was unWOF'd or un REGO'd if it hits your RH side at a roundabout you are in the wrong, they will still get the book thrown at them for the obvious offences.
If a cop turns up and fills out an acciedent report they may be able to see that the guy was speeding and note it down, The biggest problem I can see for you is it going to the small claims court, Something similar happened to me, the mediator had no idea about cars and because the other guy was older and I was obviously a boyracer cos I was young they found me at fault
good luck, hope it pans out allright
B1NZ wrote:Something similar happened to me, the mediator had no idea about cars and because the other guy was older and I was obviously a boyracer cos I was young they found me at fault
itsamirage wrote:Same, stupid bitch was in the middle of the road on a blind corner 1 laned road, but i couldnt stop in time to not hit her so my fault, my car was half in a ditch from how i swereved but she was like 50 so def my fault - good luck tho mate an un reg n un wof car def plays into your hands
B1NZ wrote:haha, that must be the standard default "you're young so its obviously your fault" excuse, They said I didnt stop in half the distance visible although I had, Apparently he did even though he was driving a Hilux with a huge tandem trailer on it driving on gravel, i had 2 other witnesses but apparently it doesnt count for anything
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