Hello guys and girls.
HCCC needs you!!!!
May 3rd, we need to provide person power for the Dual + Multi Car Sprints at Manfeild.
I need people who can do jobs like timing, grid marshall etc on the day, or scrutineering in Wellington before the event or at the event on the day.
We'll try to get people to car pool up, so as to make it cheaper.
It is always a fun day out and we're a social type of crowd. Especially if you're in the timing crew ... we tend to be ... um ... kinda noisy and silly (while doing a really good job at the same time).
If you can help, can you reply here *and* if you're not on my text list, can you pm me your cellphone number. An indication of what you're interested in doing would be good too, so if you want to be inside, then timing is good. If you want to be outside, then grid or flags would be more suited to you.
No, you don't have to be a trained professional. You just have to be a willing helper.