Yes, the Toyspeed Forums are a mere shadow of their former glory,
The likes of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have overtaken the likes of phpBB

And also, our forum has been a bit broken for a while.
This post is a bit of a test, to see if it works...
Long story short, the Mods have been considering winding-down the Toyspeed forums for a while. Activity levels were waning even before the technical glitches and our good mate Zylex still has quite a lot of overhead in keeping the platform running for us, we've had AMAZING support from him over the years but we can't drag this out forever.
There are also some small costs the Mods have been personally covering for a few years - domain names and whathaveyou - which could ultimately be ... retired.
We've created a Facebook group, we're willing to bet most of you have some sort of Facebook presence. So check it out at - it's a private group, just to keep the noise down.
But Toyspeed itself remains as welcoming as ever.
Not a Facebook fan? I can appreciate this. Part of the challenge was to make use of tools that're widely avaialble, widely already used (so not-yet-another-forum) and largely self-administering. Facebook does this nicely.
If there's some a-mayz-ing alternative we should consider, sure, let us know... but meanwhile we think FB probably still has the sweet spot.
Cheers all,