Yeah, got all that... funny story actually... i have a few minutes so ill share...
We where stopped at the main lights at huntly and this puegot full of kids wasnt concentrating and could stop in time, so drove between me and the 4x4 besides me and scraped down the side of my car... he proceeded through the red light, forcing another 4x4 to stop, and raced through.... I got 111 on the phone & when the light went green i gave chase... the mighty 3sgte quickly closing the gap
there was heavy traffic so he was slowed down frequently, he was overtaking on blind corners and the like (this was all in the wet).
Thankfully lady luck was on my side and safe overtaking opportunities continually presented themselves meaning that i didnt need to go anywhere near the speed this guy was going trying to get away from me.
He slowed down and indicated to turn off the highway a few times... whever he slowed down i gave him plenty of room so i could see what he was going to do, when he realised that i was sticking with him he continued on. His idiot friends in the back's original cheeky grins had turned to concerned frowns...
Eventually he turned left into a new road, (the 111 chick informed me that it was a dead end so i pulled into a drive way and waited for them to return). 5 minutes later they had not returned. SO i followed down the road... the kids seemed to of discovered it was a dead end, lost control and ended up in the ditch... they had run into a field. Me and the concerned neighbors waited about 45 minutes for the cops (they had to come all the way from hamilton because the Huntly police ad a real emergency - an accident i belive) The cops took all the details and a report, made a note that the car was locked so them trying to claim later on that the car had been nicked would not fly
I filled a report and got a call about 2 weeks later, the cops had called the mother of the little shit and she reported that he was living out of his car in hamilton... the cops informed winz that he was sought aftr so if he ever tries to claim the benefit he will be found.... Failing that the next time he gets pulled over for anything the cops will get proof of address and re-activate the case.
So they didnt catch him yet... but im sure this will come back to haunt him