by Loudtoy » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:48 pm
Don't generally have 1st option unless you ask for it when making your claim, and even then they are most likely to charge you more than what it would probably go for at auction - depending on whats wrong with it.
When my gts4 was written off a few months back i asked for a buy back option and they said they would charge me half of what i was getting in insurance for it and when i asked for the same auction on my surf about a month later they said yup, didn't tell me a price and didn't hear from them untill i rung them up after seeing the car going south on the back of a tow truck - and i hadn't even been paid for the thing yet.
So best option will be to ask them where it is going to be auctioned and hope that some wrecker doesn't want it more than you do
TS Member sine 2001
Prado To tow stuff with
NZ Ae82 GT Liftback for gravel fun
Rodeo to do work stuff in
Big Ass Trailer to put stuff on
Car no 16 in a long line of less than ilustrious automobiles