hey all. my car was broken into on friday 7th july between 9pm and 12am at the wilson car parking building on tory st opposite harvey normans
taken from my car was around $7500 of my stuff and some stuff of a close friends
among the stuff taken was the following,
1x Kenwood KAC-X621 amplifier
1x Alpine CD/MP3/WMA player
2x Fusion FEW12DVC subs in a carpetted dual box
1x Pyle 1 farad capacitor
1x Alpine V12 4 chan amplifier
1x grey un branded jacket
1x pair of dirty dog sunglasses (wire frame)
1x von dutch hand bag
1x black wallet
1x set of keys with 2 carabinas on it
will update list as i think of more stuff but PLEASE if you have any info on this stuff contact myself or the wellington police
feel free to post this else where