I have been given thee task to find a suitable replacement for my work vehicle.
For the past 10 years I've had Nissan Patrols as that's the fleet i inherited and we'd kept with them. There was a Terrano in the past (Turbo Diesel) but that kept blowing up from overboosting, especially up the Bombay Hills.
They're at the point where the fuel consumption is getting higher and maintenance is not that great either - currently a 2007 Y61 Patrol, 4.8L.
Mobilising works out to be 25L/100km, mobilisng and working is up around 32-35L/100km!!

I often work 8-13 hour days where the engine is only turned off for refueling up. Travel to site is normally 1-3 hours and from then it's idling to keep power going to the trailer.
Things needed in a new(er?) vehicle is:
- Big enough to tow ~1,500kg trailer
- Enough space in engine bay for installation of additional alternator
- Enough storage in the rear for spares, tools safety gear
- 4X4 is needed for site access
- Happy with repetitive braking/accelerating, stopping every 5m/10m/20m/50m/100m/200m - the bigger the distance, the higher the speed to make/lose
- Space on front passenger seat for laptop, inverter, GPS units, (and be able to disable/enable passenger airbag)
- Large fuel capacity would be nice but not necessary
Another option is to attach a diesel generator to trailer to power gear saving the need to install alternator on vehicle meaning loan/back up vehicles wouldn't need to supply power. But don't know of any one who does a diesel generator to 12v (not to 240v). And would need to be a smooth engine as sensors would possibly pick up vibrations.
I would like to keep in the Toyota Family - what would be the better choice? Land Cruiser? Petrol/Diesel?
Any input appreciated!