Sup. Silvertop 4AGE 20v was running perfectly fine for a while, though it did overheat a bit when a core plug developed a hole and I had to drive it, gingerly, a little bit further than I should have. The other day I tried starting it - it fired one spark, then no more, and sounded as if all the spark plugs were removed. Some debugging later, poured a little oil into the cylinders and got it to start. Some runs later, it pours smoke out of the exhaust on accelleration.
Sounds to me like a head gasket, but Im baffled that it sounded like all cylinders were affected at the same time. Im happy to replace the gasket, but what else should I do (from home) to be sure before I dive in and remove the head?
Also, should I attempt a MLS gasket? I heard that you need to ensure smooth mating surfaces, which I doubt this thing has. Happy to put a bog standard gasket on, as it should only last another few months before I engine swap anyway.