NAC insurance - soarer

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NAC insurance - soarer

Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:33 pm

Ok well, I had a v8 soarer and went to insure it with NAC. So i called them up and they said that thet wont insure it. I then didnt really want to drive it around with no insurance so i sold it sadly about 1 month of owning...

any way yesterday i applied for an online quote for a 1991 v8 soarer worth around 5k an they sent me a quote back for $1,000 a year with $1,600 damage excess and theft + 1,200 3rd party.... hmmm so i could have insured this after all?? :x :x :x

well im confused here.. :?
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Postby Adydas » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:36 pm

Did your first quote go via phone rather than internet.. as the internet is set to give an answer but id bet money if you rang up and answered the same questrionst he same as you did last time theyd prolly give you a no again * unless somthings changed *
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Postby CozmoNz » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:37 pm

Nac will always insure you...

you should have hung up and rung them back and asked again (different person)... i guess 1 person was just being a dickhead.

that reminds me, i really should get insurance soon >.>
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:46 pm

yeah i should ring again... why didnt i think of that before... :? :x
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Postby 0TNIC » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:50 pm

did you try under ur parents name to get insurance?

for example-

The bf has a 1996 (i think) legnum, turbo etc with 3grand sounds
under his insurance around $65-70 a fortnight

under me with him as main driver $18.99 a fortnight and im younger had full for less and im a girl :P
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:55 pm

yes with all other insurance companies, all we unsucessful :P . Can you do that with NAC?
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Postby 0TNIC » Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:59 pm

i should have said i was with state LOL

i guess im lucky to have had car insurance for 10 years almost and no claims, and also have contents with no claims.
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Postby Flyboy » Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:14 pm

You can also try Pioneer... They are cheaper than NAC and have lower excess..

On the fore mentioned STANDARD Legnum i have a $600 excess and at about $1500 a year(but stereo is not a set value)

Which mind you is double what i was paying for my modified Trueno..
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Postby Infinite » Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:20 pm


When i got my car i had to have insurance 1600 a year :/ a$$h0l3's :( but that covers everything tho. and i do still only have a learners licence lol so evan if i do hit some one i wont have insurance cause no one else in car wid me :)
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:21 pm

yea, ive heard about them and they seem quite good. Will give them a call too
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Postby BlakJak » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:39 pm

speedsterchick wrote:did you try under ur parents name to get insurance?

for example-

The bf has a 1996 (i think) legnum, turbo etc with 3grand sounds
under his insurance around $65-70 a fortnight

under me with him as main driver $18.99 a fortnight and im younger had full for less and im a girl :P

People who keep plugging this as an option frustrate the hell out of me,

Most insurance companies will check should a claim ever be made - unless your parents are the 'primary drivers' of the vehicle in this situation, your policy can be invalidated. Not worth it. Better to just get a vehicle you can actually insure. (You can always get another v8 in a few years when you're less of an insurance risk, etc etc.)

Ive not seen a situation that NAC wont insure, assuming you have the dollars to pony up in policy+excess.
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Postby Adydas » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:49 pm

I agree i hate the

did you try under ur parents name to get insurance?

for example-

The bf has a 1996 (i think) legnum, turbo etc with 3grand sounds
under his insurance around $65-70 a fortnight

Its fraud and if your caught will cost you big time, i heard on and on and on and on about this from my mum who used to work for an insurance company and told me heaps of storys of people who did this and didnt get the payout they needed

Heck the insurance company wont stop you signing up and paying them some cash but when you hit a bmw and they have to

a) pay a Privite detective $2grand to snoop out something proving you lied in your sign up for insurance or
b) pay out 8 grand for the car you hit while cruiseing.

What do you think they will do?
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:57 pm

BlakJak wrote: Better to just get a vehicle you can actually insure. (You can always get another v8 in a few years when you're less of an insurance risk, etc etc

Yeah, the v8 was great but not really practical due to insurance costs and 1600 excesses. Plus gas when fast in town due to stopping and starting at all the traffic lights :x .

Any way ive already had a soarer and feel like a change, plus i can always get one in a few years as you said! so Im looking at a v6 NA Z at the moment all excees prices are more around 1100 through NAC which is just over 25% cheaper Plus a Z it a bit more sporty being manual not auto...... Unfortunately its not a Toyota and they look like a whale to some but i like em!
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Postby Mr.Phreak » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:59 pm

Not to mention that you will have no insurance record (Unless you're named as the primary driver which kind of defeats the purpose of putting it under your parents policy anyway) so later on if you do get something insurance companies are a bit twitchy about, you'll most likely get turned down flat.
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:06 pm

lol yep
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Postby 0TNIC » Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:22 pm

ok that was a typo. it was suppose to read....

Can you put it under your parents name with u as primary driver

Or for example..
Bf under his name = expensive
under my insurance with him as main drive = cheaper option.

i dont see how it is fraud, ive been through it all so many times adding partners or getting insurance in my name with 2 named drivers. I give Full drivers history and never leave out, as the insurance company ask when your adding a partner " to the best of your knowledge.... blah blah blah"

its not like im doing anything wrong, its cheaper and the same cover so why not?

i had insurance under my mums name for 2 years while first learning to drive and first car. it made it so much easier for when i got insurance for myself as they could see i had a history of driving with no claims.

if your young like i was at the time i would suggest it fully. i know lots of people who have done it and crashed and not had the claim declined
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Postby Adydas » Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:00 pm

its not like im doing anything wrong, its cheaper and the same cover so why not?

Just cos you get away with them paying out for a smaller sized accident dont mean your contracts ok beacuse it may be better bussiness long term to pay out now and get another year of premiums ( higher to id bet ) out of you. Its when you REALLY need the protection that diddling them will cause problems. (see below)

You are.. its called Fraud Ring them and ask OR ignore and wait untill they dont pay out.. Re read this thread and go Dam Adydas was right.!!

An insurance company charge you a premium based on your age skill as a driver any convictions etc so if person a lets say is a 45 year old women with a Perfect history of accidents and tickets has insurance and her son lets say is 16 and a rat bag adds his name to her policy but its actually his car and she Never drives it they will find out and they wont pay out Why is this wrong.. Simple You lied to them in saying that it was her car and he drives it now and then ( while he learns ) and to go to the shop If you said it was His and he owned it OR you owned it but he drove it all of the time your lieing to them by saying you are and been charged rates based on person a. Beacuse if it was his car and he drove it 100% of the time the next question would be why dont HE have his own insurance and why does he need it under his mum whats so ever?

Is this really so hard to understand, I strongly suggest you read the FINE PRINT of your contract with your insurance company ( as i bet you havnt ) as i bet there is a clause in there ( the get out of jail free card the company should they need to use if they needed to take you to court ) saying If the secondry driver drives the car more than XX% of the time blah balh other mumbo jumbo this is null and void.

Then i go to my above wording about the if you were an insurance person what would you do

A) pay 2 grand to a Private detective to prove ( Oh and they will when it comes to big money ) you lied on your signup for insurance and the person who crashed wasnt a seconrdy driver at all and was in deed the primary and take you to court for all costs and damages for the other car ( As well as the years premium in full )


B) Just inspect the car you wrote off and give some other guy ( directly or indirectly thought his insurance company ) 45 grand for his er lets say BMW.

Comon ppl insurance is a bussiness not some bunch of fairys there to protect you there there for 1 reason TO MAKE MONEY!! anyone that wont pick A is an idiot and i would love to see them run a bussiness.

Im not trying to be a dick at all im mearly pointing out the simple fact that if you took the time to check these small facts youd find out im right. But should you choose to assume your fine ( Untill you need help from having an accident or something goes wrong ) and dont get that help due to this clause or so in your contracts dont ask here for help as ill bust out a big can of " I told you so".

i dont see how it is fraud, ive been through it all so many times adding partners or getting insurance in my name with 2 named drivers.
As i said of course there going to take your money now as said before its part of bussiness "get money in, take ages to put money out"

Everyone wants to get paid no one wants to pay the bills. There are bound to be some contracts where its going to be ok but like everything in this world you get what you pay for.

And adding your BF to your policy means he can drive the car XX% of the time ( i belive its 15% or 30% something to that effect ) and yet again if they find he drives it all the time even tho its your car they will sting you.
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Postby 0TNIC » Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:50 pm

ok i have just rung the insurance company and

1) it does not matter how much a named person drives the car(as you said in % wise), However If the second Named person drives the car more than the first a claim MAY be declined in the event an accident happens.
2) They know it is his car and i am a driver not the main driver
3) it is still only 1/3 of the price he pays now as it is in my name as well.
4) it is not fraud at all.
5) he is named as the main driver and the premium is slightly more than i thought as i was given 2 quotes and i went off the first she gave me. (me = main driver $19 him = main driver $27)
6) Both drivers get a full history and should they get insurance elsewhere then they have the background.

so in that case we are both right and both slightly wrong
i will say that yes i made a bit of a mistake but that is fixed now.

Ps i also work in insurance so i do know the ins and outs
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Postby Adydas » Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:56 pm

well if thats the case then isnt this right here agreement of what i just said?

it does not matter how much a named person drives the car(as you said in % wise), However If the second Named person drives the car more than the first a claim MAY be declined in the event an accident happens.

its the " MAY " that matters of course right now there going to say May cos they want your money tell him to go crash into a 45 grand car id love to see the outcome then.
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Postby gtRFungi » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:11 am

get a room??
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