Project "Lighten the Wallet"

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Project "Lighten the Wallet"

Postby Kov » Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:47 pm

Ok, So I have this:


'92 AE101 4AGZE, E58-11C LSD Box, and all associated bits & pieces from the front cut

and I have this:

AE111 4AFE Corolla S/W.

Have been planning this for a while now and I'm looking for any ideas/suggestions when it comes time for the conversion. I'm going to be running a TD05H b-bearing turbo, custom stainless manifold, Tial 38mm external wastegate, alot of GReddy gear (Profac B SpecII, TypeRS BOV, Turbo timer, and other bits I havn't bought yet), and a Megasquirt ECU.

So, any thoughts or suggestions :) ?
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Postby method » Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:59 pm

Shit that looks real good, good luck with it man :D
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Postby Kov » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:51 pm

any thoughts :? ?
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Postby Lloyd » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:54 pm

Should be good, hurry up and do it :D

Have heard mixed results on the megasquirt. Any preference for going that way?
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Postby vhpacer » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:55 pm

That will be unique :D

Do you mind me asking, what are those mags called?
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Postby Kov » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:58 pm

They're TSW Volcanoes, shadow chrome
I'm leaning towards megasquirt because of ease of tuning, can simply plug a laptop into it and away i go, and also a guy at my work buys them, assembles them, and then sells them for twice the price on trademe. How convenient :lol:
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Postby rollas22 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:57 pm

Get that shizzel finished!!!! i love the colour of that wag..... 8)
When do u expect this project finished?
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Postby TRD001 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:33 pm

you going to rebiuld the engine?
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Postby Otomo » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:16 pm

I'd say the ZE-turbo swap would be perfect for the wagon, you'd need torque more for that type of body.

But if you're a purist, a Black Head 20V would be better since it's what originally came with AE111s in Japan - it's also quite torquey but not as much as the ZE.

Personally, I like NA better. But the swap you're thinking would be very good too.
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Postby RomanV » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:18 pm

Yeah, hurry up and get it done. :P

Sorry I cant actually input any useful info here, but...

I thought that 4AGZE's had coil pack ignition?

Is that a dizzy that I see there?

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Postby Alex B » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:25 pm

errr they look like coil packs to me.
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Postby RomanV » Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:26 pm

Oh, I thought that coil packs sat on top of each spark plug?...

I suppose it could work either way.
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Postby Kov » Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:12 pm

I'm allowing myself a couple of months to get it all sorted, still have to find the turbo & get evil_si to make me up a manifold, and the engine seems to be in pretty mint nick so I won't do a rebuild at this stage, downtrack I'm gonna have a fiddle with the internals and the head, but at this stage my funds are a lil low 8O
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Postby flygt4 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:29 pm

i thought that bb td05's were still just being experimented with? if you're trying to save a few dollars wouldnt it just be easier to just use a standard tdo5 , or if you really must have the bling value of a ballbearing turbo you could choose from the IHI VF series that come on sti's.

you also didnt mention a larger fuel pump and injectors , which you'll need if you want to get anything more than 175kw atw. plus theres piping and fabrication to take into account. also might pay to upgrade the clutch while its all out too. im sure there more things that are helpful to do that i wont remember til later. the factory lsd's arent that great , at may pay to consider getting an aftermarket one to assist in putting power down.

dont worry about 20valve heads and quad throttles , unless you're getting really serious they are pretty much just wank value anyway. :wink:
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Postby Kov » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:46 pm

flygt4 wrote:i thought that bb td05's were still just being experimented with? if you're trying to save a few dollars wouldnt it just be easier to just use a standard tdo5 , or if you really must have the bling value of a ballbearing turbo you could choose from the IHI VF series that come on sti's.

you also didnt mention a larger fuel pump and injectors , which you'll need if you want to get anything more than 175kw atw. plus theres piping and fabrication to take into account. also might pay to upgrade the clutch while its all out too. im sure there more things that are helpful to do that i wont remember til later. the factory lsd's arent that great , at may pay to consider getting an aftermarket one to assist in putting power down.

dont worry about 20valve heads and quad throttles , unless you're getting really serious they are pretty much just wank value anyway. :wink:

Cheers for the advice, I was under the impression the td05h's from an evo4 etc were some form of roller bearing? If I'm mistaken will there be much of a muchness in flow?

I'll be using 550cc injectors and a larger pump but didnt think to mention i/c piping etc because it's pretty much obligatory (if that's the right word im looking for :? ). My budget doesnt quite extend to a true aftermarket LSD but when everythings complete and it's been properly run in i will start phase 2 which will include a heavy-duty clutch, lightened flywheel, possibly the LSD and some suspension goodies.

On a separate note have you done the GTE conversion by chance?
[edit] just read your tag :) [/edit]
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Postby flygt4 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:44 pm

evo4 turbos onwards are different from evo1-3 (in some way that i cant be bothered finding out) , but im pretty sure they arent ballbearing.there has been some people have been toying with bb conversions, but i have yet to see any marketed commercially.
ive heard of good results from an evo6 turbo tho,they are a bit spendier than the earlier ones and im not sure how much of an advantage they are.
from what ive seen , the best results come the more basic setups , where there is less to go wrong. usually a combination of tdo5,t3/t4, or t28, a standard ae101 gze bottom end and 16 valve head , with either standard ecu or fairly basic aftermarket computer.
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Postby Caveman » Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:09 pm

I think youve got the combination right so far 8)

td05 arn't ball bearing. I also think the later td05 small compressor (relatively speaking) has more advantages over the big compressor. Better effeciency, better surge threshold, better spool time and better flow at 2PR. If your going into serious boost the big compressor may suit better but otherwise get the small comp wheel.

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Postby Caveman » Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:11 pm

Oh evo 1,2,3 use the large comp wheel. 4,5,6? not sure on which ones use teh smaller wheel.

remember small wheel is relatively speaking :wink:
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Postby Ako » Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:14 pm


Evo 1 - 2 - small 16G
Evo 3 / VR4 RS / SOME evo 2's - Big 16G

Evo 4,5,6,6.5,7,8, blah blah - all different trims + spec levels between them, also they spin backwards compared to the other (earlier) TD05s, PLUS they have a split pulse exhaust housing which is something to bear in mind when making your manifold.

I fully reckon just putting a 3SGTE would be more cost efficient + driveable in the end... But thats just my opinion.
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Postby Caveman » Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:22 pm


Thanks for the correction.
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