iOnic wrote:Boosted_162 wrote:Hey Chris, where'd you get it/what did it cost? (if you dont mind me asking - PM/FB me if you dont wanna post). Still kinda considering keeping my terrano, and 1st thing ill do is an ic.
Spoke to someone with one and apparently while the IC is compact, it has a low capacity and no filler so you have to find room for a tank as well. Probably no drama on the Terranosaurus though. I'd still like one eventually but for now I'll use a modified Subaru setup.
Akane: Yeah can fit one but don't want A2A. That and I would imagine that something that small probably isn't the best with 10.something (probably in the 11's) CR + boost
Fair enough - and yeah there is miles of room around the boat anchor (sorry TD27 )