Hon Harry Duynhoven wrote:“Transport officials are investigating the implementation of a robust and repeatable objective noise test to supplement the subjective (opinion-based) noise test currently used by WoF/CoF testing agents.
"The objective noise test will be based on the international ISO 5130 measurement of exhaust sound level emitted by stationary road vehicles and the Australian National Stationary Exhaust Noise Test Procedure. Both methods measure exhaust noise using sound equipment placed 0.5 metres from the tailpipe of the vehicle.
"I am currently finalising interim measures to introduce the objective noise test. These measures include placing orders for testing equipment in the next few weeks and finalising decisions on location of test sites. These interim measures can be adopted under existing legislation, meaning the objective noise test will be progressively implemented over the next two – three months, considerably less time than a change to relevant legislation," said Mr Duynhoven.
Full article at http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=24885
So basically it sounds like the government is intending to introduce testing to a known standard rather than solely a subjective test, and that they are looking to do so sooner rather than later. Hopefully they will make it open so that concerned people can go along to get their cars tested (free of charge?) before getting hassled by the cops, and if they do pass the test then maybe get a piece of paper to display if they do get questioned.
I'm still hoping they can make some kind of dispensation for competition vehicles, but then again I'm obviously hopelessly biased on that one