Personalised Plate Problem...

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Personalised Plate Problem...

Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:11 pm

As a few of you know, i own the plates MR2PWR. I bought the plates off ScottyJ last year before he went to Aussie. He had the plates remanufactured before i got them. I filled in the ownership forms and faxed to plates. The plates arent registered to a car atm.

But ive just been shown this ... =281349587

What the $&#$%! Not really sure what to do now!
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Postby Bling » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:16 pm

That is a pickle 8O

Report the auction to Trademe stating the plates are stolen, i'm sure they will remove the auction. Then Tuesday (unless they are open Saturday), give plates a call and password (I think) the plates so someone else can't use them.

I wonder where those ones came from, did ScottyJ not destroy the old plates or something?
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:20 pm

BZG|Bling wrote:That is a pickle 8O

Report the auction to Trademe stating the plates are stolen, i'm sure they will remove the auction. Then Tuesday (unless they are open Saturday), give plates a call and password (I think) the plates so someone else can't use them.

I wonder where those ones came from, did ScottyJ not destroy the old plates or something?

Sweet, sounds like a plan. Will do so asap, and gunna register to them to my car as well.

Still have my paperwork as well thank christ!

No idea where these came from, will try to get hold of him i guess!
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:04 pm

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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:12 pm

Get your copies registered to one of your cars ASAP. Then you're pretty well safe.
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:15 pm

Dell'Orto wrote:Get your copies registered to one of your cars ASAP. Then you're pretty well safe.

Sweet, will try do that on saturday if they are open. Will i have problems registering them onto a car thats not currently registered? (on hold). Do i just take in the old plates and the new plates?
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:18 pm

Nah pretty sure it has to have a current WOF to do so.
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:19 pm

Dell'Orto wrote:Nah pretty sure it has to have a current WOF to do so.

Crap. I dont particularly feel like registering them to my swift :lol:
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Postby FLAWLES » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:34 pm

Plate has changed
MR2PWR has been replaced with EYK384 and is not longer valid for this vehicle

* Make: MAZDA
* Model: MX6
* Year: 1992
* Main colour: Black
* Vehicle type: Passenger Car/Van
* Body style: Saloon
* No of seats: 4
* CC rating: 2,490cc
* Fuel type: Petrol
* Assembly type: Imported Built-Up
* Country of origin: Japan
* Gross vehicle mass: 1,490kg

EYK384 2009, April 22nd
MR2PWR 2009, April 16th
AER103 2001, August 14th
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Postby FLAWLES » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:39 pm

i would be on the phone to plates asap going wtf man

only b,s thing i can possibly think that could happen is the plates lapsed?? ( maybe ) and they have come up for auction?
but i find this hard to beleave or take on board as being an owner of p-plates my self, the plates you own are your personal property, sort of like interlectual ( sp? ) property............basicly what i got told the 10 or so yrs i have had the plates for

so if you have signed all the papers for the owner ship of them i cant see what the issue is unless these are fake copys
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Postby Boosted_162 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:44 pm

FLAWLES wrote:i would be on the phone to plates asap going wtf man

only b,s thing i can possibly think that could happen is the plates lapsed?? ( maybe ) and they have come up for auction?
but i find this hard to beleave or take on board as being an owner of p-plates my self, the plates you own are your personal property, sort of like interlectual ( sp? ) property............basicly what i got told the 10 or so yrs i have had the plates for

so if you have signed all the papers for the owner ship of them i cant see what the issue is unless these are fake copys

Will be calling them first thing tuesday morning. Basically i have papers to show i got them from Scott transferring ownership from him to me. This guy was the person who got them from Bonita originally many years ago, so not sure what happened in between.

The main part is that new plates can only be remade if they are lost, stolen or damaged. So why is there 2 sets...(i have the new ones, his are originals so arent lost, stolen or damaged!)
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Postby FLAWLES » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:51 pm

if you really want to go throw a spanner in the works, go put one of your cars on a-class rego and swap the p-plates over to that car

but did the plats come off a mx6?

someone me thinks may be pulling a fast one
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Postby Alex B » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:58 pm

Boosted_162 wrote:
FLAWLES wrote:i would be on the phone to plates asap going wtf man

only b,s thing i can possibly think that could happen is the plates lapsed?? ( maybe ) and they have come up for auction?
but i find this hard to beleave or take on board as being an owner of p-plates my self, the plates you own are your personal property, sort of like interlectual ( sp? ) property............basicly what i got told the 10 or so yrs i have had the plates for

so if you have signed all the papers for the owner ship of them i cant see what the issue is unless these are fake copys

Will be calling them first thing tuesday morning. Basically i have papers to show i got them from Scott transferring ownership from him to me. This guy was the person who got them from Bonita originally many years ago, so not sure what happened in between.

The main part is that new plates can only be remade if they are lost, stolen or damaged. So why is there 2 sets...(i have the new ones, his are originals so arent lost, stolen or damaged!)

Its very easy to get new plates made and registered to the car. I did it online with a link from the plates website, cost $35ish from memory. No questions asked, just did it.
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Postby S T E A L T H » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:07 pm

presumably the guy you bought them off owns/used to own the black MX6? As he would have had to attach them to a car straight away to get them re-made.

Why is there 2 sets? one of the previous owners of the plates has got another set made up under the false pretence of the originals being lost /damaged.
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Postby Elmo » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:35 am

You can put plates on a car that is currently ON HOLD, and does NOT have a Wof. I have done this before, and it didnt cost anything (well 30 cents I think). The cost is incurred when there is current rego. (Ive done this to 2 vehicles, 1 of which hasnt been on road for almost 10 years)

I did this as little as 18 months ago.

Yes, you need to take in atleast 1 plate (they ask for two, just say the other was lost if you want to keep it, I did this as they were old black plates)
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Postby mr30%jr » Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:23 am

this is $&#$%... lol
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Postby iOnic » Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:29 am

Register them to the MR2 Craig. That way no one can use them. You don't need a WOF to do it as long as your rego is on hold. I did it with the MR2 a few months ago when I sold the MR2SLO plates.
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Postby Boosted_162 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:45 am

Cool then, hopefully someones open tomorrow to do it. Ill take both plates in as they are nothing great.

S T E A L T H wrote:presumably the guy you bought them off owns/used to own the black MX6? As he would have had to attach them to a car straight away to get them re-made.

Why is there 2 sets? one of the previous owners of the plates has got another set made up under the false pretence of the originals being lost /damaged.

Nah im pretty sure the MX6 was the guy before him, he bought it for his rebuilt MR2, but then ended up moving to oz.

No idea why theres 2 sets and who made them.
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Postby EssDub » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:11 pm

Easy. The person Scotty bought them off probably still had the originals.
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Postby Bling » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:48 pm

So he sold those too..... :lol:
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