So I swapped my car

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Postby deepsyot » Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:07 pm

Get the car tuned by the right person and it wont be expensive to run.
I'm getting round 700kms to a tank in my skyline :lol:
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Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:26 am

HRT wrote:
barryogen that if they are going to decline on the fact that the car was chipped, then the chip has to be a direct cause of the accident. if it wasn't a direct cause, then the claim should still stand...

Depends entirely how you want to look at it. The chip contributes to extra power which in turn can contribute to pretty much anything

you will note my use of "if" and "should". :)

I believe the reason for this clause in the insurance something bill, was for things like, say you walk out of the pub, all drunk and disorderly, and open up your car thats parked on the side of the road for a good nights sleep in a "nice" and "comfortable" dry place, only to be woken in a few hours by a hell of a racket when someone crashes into you.

Cop turns up, you're over the limit, and your in trouble with your insurance company because they say if you have alcohol in your system, your fuxord.

The alcohol wasn't actually a contributing factor, so it should be ignored.

Same could be said for pretty much any modification in the same situation...

but like I said, good luck defending yourself against their lawyers.
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Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:27 am

deepsyot wrote:Get the car tuned by the right person and it wont be expensive to run.
I'm getting round 700kms to a tank in my skyline :lol:

700kms/tank... 8O

you do a lot of long trip driving?
I only get near 700kms/tank on a long trip with the mrs driving(it appears that the car is less efficient "for some reason" when I drive.
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Postby deepsyot » Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:43 pm

Yeah we use my car to go up to Chch, and West Coast a fair bit. I use it every friday to get from Milton :? to Dunedin, driving real nice the gauge barely moves. Pretty good for a turbo car with a few mods dont ya think :lol:
Around town though it uses a bit more, depends how u drive it though, boyfriend seems to get more out of it than me.
On boost it sucks it back, can watch the gauge just drop :oops:
Its cheaper to run than our gay old piece of sh*t honda accord 8O
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Postby misha » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:40 pm

****, i get about 300ks to a tank. That's boosting it, though. :(
neoprint says: then I bought a honda and I can't afford to buy computer parts any more.
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Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:48 pm

misha wrote:That's boosting it

boosting it?

what do you drive again?
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Postby Dirtbag » Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:29 pm

avatar would suggest a famil gtx...
AE101 GT-APEX Superstrut

My profile!
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Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:50 pm

Dirtbag wrote:avatar

damn adblock extension... it's too harsh... added toyspeed to whitelist.

last I knew(or atleast paid attention to) he had an NA car.
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Postby RS13 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:48 pm

EVL20V wrote:yes, s13 crossmember styles way to go

Who tells people this crap? I have helped with several GTSt/A31/C33 5spd conversions, including converting my own turbo Cefiro, and I can tell you that the myth of the S13 crossmember fitting is absolute horseshit.

The manual and auto gearbox crossmembers are identical for A31, S13, C33, R32. The difference between manual and auto rwd turbo Nissans is that the crossmember mounting points on the transmission tunnel are about an inch and a half further up towards the motor (in the manual), although I have been told that an S14 manual crossmember has a longer flange and may bolt up, but I am yet to see someone try this. All of the conversions I have done/seen have used a modified auto crossmember, or an auto crossmember with an adaptor plate.




This is what I had to rangi up to get the crossmember attached so that I could get around in the car. (Ended up selling it like that in the end, although I had an adaptor plate for it!)

Itsamirage, I'd like to see pics too. I sold mine due to getting into trouble with several local police, who (I know now!) live down my street, who were quite keen to see the Cefiro go! And the amount of fuel it consumed, $30 of 98 would get me about 10mins of thrash!
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Postby itsamirage » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:32 pm

so i got it back from the garage, needs a lil work but not alot (hopefully) to get it legal tegal again, it has a modified auto mount, needs cert cos it was factory auto n/a, has been tuned buy atlas or who ever they sent it to and offically goes fuuuuuuuukin hard :twisted: - it will kick it out sideways just for changin gear if ya givin it death.

Took some pics but its really nothin to look at, its in primer drift spec :oops:, pass window has fallen down and i couldnt b f'd takin tarp off for pics, interior is pretty clean and straight tho everythin just needs a lil bit of tlc 8)

anyway heres a few pics, they're a bit dark but will take better ones in the light tomorrow
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Postby Lloyd » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:40 pm

No offence but that looks pretty rough.

And my N/A auto Cefiro would kick sideways changing gears itself in the wet even in a straight line, same with the N/A auto Silvia.
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Postby Mr.Phreak » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:40 pm

You swapped your Windom........for that??
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Postby SkylineObsession » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:49 pm

Well, i suppose it will be a good fixer-upper.
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Postby RS13 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:01 pm

Ghetto drifter! I love it. Thats' got a lot of potential, a coat of matte black, reg and wof, a general tidy up, you'd get $5000 for it easy. Its' got a manual A31/C33 gearstick surround, which are getting damn hard to come across now!

If you have any problems man, and need advice, I know these things inside out, so PM me.
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Postby deepsyot » Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:18 pm

You can get that car going alot better. My partner Nik put the chip in that, but didnt do a full tune on it because he didnt think it would b a good idea with the condition of the motor.

EVL20V wrote:
yes, s13 crossmember styles way to go

Who tells people this crap? I have helped with several GTSt/A31/C33 5spd conversions, including converting my own turbo Cefiro, and I can tell you that the myth of the S13 crossmember fitting is absolute horseshit.

The manual and auto gearbox crossmembers are identical for A31, S13, C33, R32. The difference between manual and auto rwd turbo Nissans is that the crossmember mounting points on the transmission tunnel are about an inch and a half further up towards the motor (in the manual), although I have been told that an S14 manual crossmember has a longer flange and may bolt up, but I am yet to see someone try this. All of the conversions I have done/seen have used a modified auto crossmember, or an auto crossmember with an adaptor plate.


This is what I had to rangi up to get the crossmember attached so that I could get around in the car. (Ended up selling it like that in the end, although I had an adaptor plate for it!)

Itsamirage, I'd like to see pics too. I sold mine due to getting into trouble with several local police, who (I know now!) live down my street, who were quite keen to see the Cefiro go! And the amount of fuel it consumed, $30 of 98 would get me about 10mins of thrash!

I'm not sure what you were doing wrong or what parts you have been using but they are definitly different and the S13 does bolt up and I know this cos we have just put one in one of our skylines that has been converted from auto to manual.
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Postby itsamirage » Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:24 pm

It is rough, I traded a windom for it come on... lol. Just needs a coat of paint and it'l be sweet as, as for the kickin sideways thats pretty impressive for me (first rwd 8) ) im sure theres alot more fun to come. And you say the motors not in that great condition? Whats wrong with it, mite be handy to know its only got 112,xxx km on it maybe a rebuild would help it tho. Cheers for the offer of help too will prob be pm'n ya sometime bout it no doubt haha
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Postby RS13 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:19 pm

deepsyot wrote:I'm not sure what you were doing wrong or what parts you have been using but they are definitly different and the S13 does bolt up and I know this cos we have just put one in one of our skylines that has been converted from auto to manual.

Pics or it didn't happen.
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Postby EVL20V » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:42 pm

i also witnessd another cefy being converted. s13 crossmember reprezent :twisted:

i thought the gtx was the most economical car i owned, till i found out the fuel gauge was dodge and ran outta gas up j willy aye gareth. :lol: :lol:
60% of the time it breaks every time
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Postby deepsyot » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:47 pm

RS13 wrote:
deepsyot wrote:I'm not sure what you were doing wrong or what parts you have been using but they are definitly different and the S13 does bolt up and I know this cos we have just put one in one of our skylines that has been converted from auto to manual.

Pics or it didn't happen.

We have 3 skylines. 1 factory manual and 2 converted. 1 of the converted has a plate to make it fit and the other has a S13 crossmember so didn't need any modification at all.
If you choose not to believe it then it's not really gonna worry me enough that I'll climb under the cars and take pics just to prove it.
A lot of people who know about these cars know it to be true already.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:26 pm

you swapped a windom for that?! 8O

jeeeezuss id feel ripped if i payed $5 for it :?
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