how about a oldskool meet.

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Postby barryogen » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:32 am

JT wrote:Cool man, would be good to catch up and yeah we just in discussions about planning a TS stand open for all toyotas.

This may be an odd suggestion, but have a chat to cookies... I'm sure that they would have some cars that they could/would lend for the SFOS... might be able to get a Toyota racing series car if we're lucky... that'd certainly raise a crowd...

Well, I'd be there, I love those things. :)
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Postby ke25sr » Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:28 pm

AE85coupe wrote:man if that wagon could do burnouts then i would be doing them, but no, the 4k is super super $&#$% (thanks James or whatever his name is)

i'll rip out the 280z, that likes to make smoke and lots of it mwahaha

trueno won't have an alignment and new wheels before sunday sadly (unless someone works at a tire shop and can hook me up)

knock knock.
thats not the door its my $&#$% bearings.

$&#$% $&#$% $&#$%.

rebuild time ah man.
new engines are way better. its a good thing.
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