When is a Scooter a Motorcycle? And when a Moped?

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When is a Scooter a Motorcycle? And when a Moped?

Postby BlakJak » Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:33 pm

This was asked recently, and as I was looking it up myself, I decided to FAQ it.

Reference: http://www.landtransport.govt.nz/factsheets/43.html

Is it a moped or a motorcycle?

There are slightly different definitions of a moped, depending on the context:

For vehicle registration and licensing: a moped has a power output of 2 KW or under and a maximum design speed of 50 km/h or under. A vehicle with a power output over 2 KW or a maximum design speed over 50 km/h is a motorcycle. It is illegal to register a motorcycle as a moped.

For vehicle importation inspections: a vehicle with an engine over 50 cc or a speed greater than 50 km/h must meet the technical requirements for a motorcycle.

For in-service inspections: a vehicle with an engine over 50 cc or a speed greater than 50 km/h or a power output greater than 2 KW needs to have a warrant of fitness and must meet the technical requirements for a motorcycle.

If your vehicle qualifies as a moped, it can be ridden with any valid drivers license (not requiring a Class 6 / Motorcycle license). You must wear an approved helmet.

For more info refer above link (found by searching for 'moped' at landtransport.govt.nz).

-.-. --.-
BlakJak - 2001 Toyota Gaia (yeah i'm all domesticated now)
(RIP Toyspeed Profiles! Finally had to disable them due to compatibility with newer versions of things. Sorry!)
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