by PumpN » Sat May 15, 2004 9:38 pm
1-2" inches off stock springs any more and your a crazy man/munter, compressing is good but its not good for getting your car really slammed, being sensible i would only lower it to sit the tyre in the guard just that little bit sweeter, ya know
I had resets on my old mazda, 2" drop (which is a lot, 50mm) they were pretty good, passed warrents no worrys, resets are not illegal although it seems to be common knowledge now amongst nzpc forum *cough* that they are, your springs do need to be captive which means shortened or shorter shocks, there was less roll because of the aftermarket shocks and the car sat at a nice height (tyres almost level with the guard)
'92 Nissan 200SX, Need a Daily driver!!!