this is where it gets fun:S
expansion chambers are used one PER cylinder
most multicylinder 2 strokes have this
the reason is pulses reflect of each other so any more than one pulse down a tube and you will end up with a mess
4 strokes are the same but what most people dont realise is they are tuned twice
once in the headers
once in the main exhaust
the headers are the most effective place to tun as once your pulse loses heat the pressure in the pulse drops and so becomes inefective
that is why oversized exhaust can hurt prformance as evertime the gas expands to a larger pipe it loses energy and volecity and thus loseing theh small scavaging effect that your main exhaust can have
so basically we come back to the headers
this is where most of your pulse tuning is done
the theory is simple
longer header tubes tend to increase power below the engine’s torque peak and shorter header tubes tend to increase power above the torque peak.
large diameter headers and collectors tend to limit low-range power and increase high range power. Conversely, small diameter headers and collectors tend to increase low-range power and limit high-range power.
delta pressure and velocity are the most important things to uderstand
bbl have to work