Valentine 1 Radar Settings

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Valentine 1 Radar Settings

Postby BigDon » Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:43 pm

Quick question, I m looking at buying a Valentine either second hand or staight from the US. I know there is no difference between NZ new and straight from the US, apart from bands being turned off. So what I need to know is what you turn off on the radar to make it suit NZ.

I know you turn off X band and leave Ku turned off (Factory setting). However ,can anyone tell me if the cops still use K band at all, like on the old HAWKS. Or if any one has a Val and could tell me if there K band is on or off. As i have heard differing stories and if I get one straight from the US then I want to know what to do, to get it going right.

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Postby pidge » Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:54 pm

I've got a V1 rev 1.8, 100% of the K band hits I've had so far have been Door openers, Safety radar (Construction zones and a few Tractors I've encountered), or somebody's lousy radar detector (1 case) (I think...). All in the upper North Island - I've not driven further south than National Park since I bought my V1.

All the Patrol cars which I've picked up have been use Ka, along with mobile speed cameras.

I am tempted to turn off K band, but you never know when they might sneak out a Hawk equpped car...
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Postby BigDon » Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:37 pm

Ive heard that the Vals false alot in town on K Band as well, have you had that problem?
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Postby pidge » Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:28 pm

Just about every store door radar will set the V1 off - becuase it's a very good K band receiver and the door radars have sh1te transmitters in them that spit out harmonics - which is why the choose K band for the next gen radar speed guns after the x band speed guns, as the k-band frequency range is a harmonic of the x-band (x2 or x3 I think) - and the door openers are sooo lousy.

Mind you, that's what the bogey counter's for - on your regular routes, you learn to expect the certain counts at certain points in your trip. Then again, wtf do need a radar detector for on surface (<70kmph) streets, which is where you encounter >95% of door openers? USE YOUR EYES!
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Re: Valentine 1 Radar Settings

Postby Dr-X » Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:02 pm

BigDon wrote:Quick question, I m looking at buying a Valentine either second hand or staight from the US. I know there is no difference between NZ new and straight from the US, apart from bands being turned off. So what I need to know is what you turn off on the radar to make it suit NZ.

There is no difference whatsoever between a US valentine and a 'NZ New' valentine. There are NO distributors of the V1, they are sold ONLY directly. If someone claims to be an authorized dealer, they're lying. They just bought retail from the US with our strong dollar, and are selling for a profit.

I know this information is 100% correct, because I emailed valentine about it, and heard back directly from the horses mouth.
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Re: Valentine 1 Radar Settings

Postby anthonym » Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:15 pm

BigDon wrote:Quick question, I m looking at buying a Valentine either second hand or staight from the US. I know there is no difference between NZ new and straight from the US, apart from bands being turned off. So what I need to know is what you turn off on the radar to make it suit NZ.

I know you turn off X band and leave Ku turned off (Factory setting). However ,can anyone tell me if the cops still use K band at all, like on the old HAWKS. Or if any one has a Val and could tell me if there K band is on or off. As i have heard differing stories and if I get one straight from the US then I want to know what to do, to get it going right.


I have not detected (or seen) a Hawk for years but I can't confirm absolutely that they are no longer in use. IMO the risk of coming across one, especially in a situation where you are liable to be ticketed, is tiny. I have switched off K on my V1 and get no false alarms at all, for me that is worth more than the extremely low risk of a ticket, as it used to false constantly on K (because of door openers as noted above).
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Postby Twolitre » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:56 pm

I have just purchased a late model Bel radar detector and after driving around for a couple of days with X & K bands switched on it promptly drove me mildly insane, I have since switched off both bands and enjoy zero false alarms. The thing you will notice though after you buy one is just how little you will actually detect a cop, at least a cop with his radar on, I thought I'd be picking them up around every corner but that just is not the case which I guess is not a bad thing.
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