Is faxy dead forever??

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Postby Monsterbishi » Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:35 pm

Hmm, the words 'Head Gasket' spring to mind...
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Postby Smitten » Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:13 pm

Theres been nothing leaking, the radiator was pretty much empty.
The oil is fine tho, so why would I have no oil pressure?
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Postby vvega » Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:42 pm

motor gets hot oil pressure drops
motor getes really hot(cause there no water" oil pressure drops right off :D

oil will be rooted now


Postby Smitten » Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:46 pm

was due for an oil change...
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Postby Caveman » Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:05 pm

Smitten wrote:Theres been nothing leaking, the radiator was pretty much empty.

Are you sure nothing was leaking? Maybe you destroyed a water pump, pipe or seal.
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Postby Snoozin » Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:43 pm

Tow it round to Carlton Mill automotive services and we'll have a looksee at her.... :P
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Postby Smitten » Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:44 am

Na, nothing has been leaking, I checked that too.

Carlton Mill Automotive Services you say? Sounds shady to me
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Postby LUMIN8 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:47 pm

yeah might need an engine service,

they can usually tell you if anything is up, and they replace your oil/filter/coolant at the same time.

its gonna cost money. but you cant run a car for free.

well you can, but not for as long.
LUMIN8 {lu•mi•nate}

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Postby Smitten » Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:01 pm

Its official. Faxy is dead forever.
I got the first problem fixed, wasnt the head gasket. It was just some random pipe or something, so that was all good and we got that sorted.

But then last week...

We decided to do a roady down to dunners and we got just past waimate when we stopped to let the guys out for a piss.
But then faxy wouldnt start again, it was like the battery was dead but it cant have been cos i have a new battery.

We left it 10 minutes and tried to start it, it didnt really want to turn over but i gave it some gas and kind words and she started up again.
But then faxy wouldnt idle.

So we did it again but i kept my foot on the gas, piled everyone on and tried to go.
Thats when it got scary!!
My foot was hard on the floor and we were going like 2k up the road and it was making this real loud horrible knocking noise.

Anyway we finally managed to hook up a ride to dunners (thanks to the loverly dunedin ts boys who came to oamaru to get us)
Got faxy put on a trailer and i got it back today.
So she'll be going to the mechanic sometime soon to see whats wrong.

I'll be in neo-bling for a loooooong time :<
Faxy is dead
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Postby Smitten » Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:01 pm

Its official. Faxy is dead forever.
I got the first problem fixed, wasnt the head gasket. It was just some random pipe or something, so that was all good and we got that sorted.

But then last week...

We decided to do a roady down to dunners and we got just past waimate when we stopped to let the guys out for a piss.
But then faxy wouldnt start again, it was like the battery was dead but it cant have been cos i have a new battery.

We left it 10 minutes and tried to start it, it didnt really want to turn over but i gave it some gas and kind words and she started up again.
But then faxy wouldnt idle.

So we did it again but i kept my foot on the gas, piled everyone on and tried to go.
Thats when it got scary!!
My foot was hard on the floor and we were going like 2k up the road and it was making this real loud horrible knocking noise.

Anyway we finally managed to hook up a ride to dunners (thanks to the loverly dunedin ts boys who came to oamaru to get us)
Got faxy put on a trailer and i got it back today.
So she'll be going to the mechanic sometime soon to see whats wrong.

I'll be in neo-bling for a loooooong time :<
Faxy is dead
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