4agze running very rich

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4agze running very rich

Postby turbora28 » Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:13 pm

Hi all, just recently I wired up a mates T18/4AGZE conversion.

It is the AFM 4AGZE.

After wiring it up started first go and everyone was happy. But he has just contacted me to let me know its running really rich.

I'm trying to get some ideas together of what it might be.

He has checked the fuel pressure, around 37psi at idle and 44psi hi up. So that about right.

I adjusted the TPS correctly so thats not the problem.

The ECU, that bases fuel on AFM signal, TPS & engine speed I assume?

So any ideas where its going wrong?

We arn't talking just a bit rich either, he has access to a wideband 02 meter and it was off the scale (not sure actual figure here but reckons the meter wouldn't even read it when at full throttle).

So i'm guessing that has to be under 10:1 ...

For now he has adjusted the AFM spring tension so at cruise it is correct. But still going way rich at full throttle. And I dont think adjusting the spring is a good idea, it seems a bandaid sollution for the real problem.

Everything is stock really. All came out of a frontcut.

So any ideas?

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Postby suberimakuri » Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:59 pm

water temp sensor being read right? This has big effect on fuelling.

at 80 degrees it should be about 200ohms..... if there's a break in the wiring for this sensor....

connect something up to standard diagnostic light if possible and go from there.
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