What to do with an ST185.

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Postby kingcorolla » Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:56 pm

sorry bro lost contact of the text to mamymbitches at ny place at tha momment.

st202 will be ne the way 2 go, steel ct20b, and the rest. Afternarket link comp, and a modifyted ct20 or b. should b the biz. 14lb on stock steel turbine anf linkplus wwilll sort tthre fue; and spark etc. just find steel ctr20b and aftrmarket frnt mount, injctrs i/c etc, then youl be on ypur way to 20lb with racegas.

wooooooophhhhhhhhh kaaaa wooooopjhhhhhhhh

sorry dudue im rLLY pissed[/b][/list]
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Postby GT4 20 » Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:09 am

Go across and visit the GT4OC forums at http://www.gt4oc.net - some extremely knowledgeable people there with plenty of experience with the 3S motors and St185s.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:58 am

there should be a no posting when drunk rule 8O 8O :wink:
Being the subject of E-whinges since 2004 8)


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Postby Wildcard » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:52 pm

vvega wrote:the gen one gear clusters are wider in apperance and mesument to the later boxes
the are also considerably heavier
this is why the 165 syncros die with normal use
later on they went to the dual synco setup and lighter gear rings

how bout this ben


Uh, missinformation? I didn't say you were wrong, I just asked for some evidence.

It turns out you weren't even talking about the E15X boxes used in the ST185/SW20/ST205... you were comparing a different box. I assumed by 'gen' you were talking about the first of the E15X boxes rather than the E50 [?] or whatever is in the ST165.

At either rate it made you explain the differences and I'm sure thats of use to those reading this thread :)
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