sw20 vs ae101

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Postby 2fas4u » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:40 pm

deaf_rattle wrote:haha

she currently drives an ultra reliable honda city at the moment, so im sure an auto ae101 will feel like a rocket compared to that.

but yeah she wants to spend about $4k.

But the least amount she spends on the car, means the more she can (me) put into the stereo etc

Mods will be limited to a nice sounding stereo and probably pod filter

Might be able to talk her into lowering whatever she gets and maybe if we find some cheap mags do that.

But yeah we will see how it goes
why don't you just get her to lower those miniskirts of hers for you :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Loudtoy » Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:26 pm

Not really a fan of either in auto but if it has to be auto the sw would be the way to go, don't have to rev it so much to get anywhere, advantage of actually having some low-mid range torque. Auto's and high rev's don't mix to well! Of course if she's never driven a mid rear before it will take a while to get used to, specially if she's partial to breaking even the slightest bit into a corner.
If your happy with her driving abilities get the sw, if your not so sure get the 101.
Either way if she's like my fiance she'l have her mind made up already and you'l just have to check it to make sure it's a good buy ;)
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