super strut squeak

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Postby HZRDIZ » Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:44 pm

Hmmm well mines turned out slightly more expensive than that. Appears my suspension has seized up and I need to replace both lower arms in the front which sucks but oh well - better fixing it now than being on a road trip and having it snap on you.
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Postby Banga69 » Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:02 pm

aesc wrote:
HZRDIZ wrote:Just rang the suspension place and theyve told me it could be the arm and that i needs to be reconstructed - soudns expensive. Hopefully its only a bush or ball joint. He says the ball joints are hard to come by thou... guts... Anyone else fix their problem?

Hey man dont waste your time getting the lower arm/ball joint 'reconditioned', they only last 5-10thou kms in my experiences. Mr Revhead does brand new genuine lower arms for $170.

And yes I got my arm replaced last week and noises have gone.

As for sway bar bushes, Id perhaps look at getting them done at the same time, should only take an hours labour and if you have a hook up for nolathanes theyll only cos ya $10 for a pair.

i agree on reconditioned arms etc they are pretty bad but ive got a recondioned arm on my left and its been on there for 11months, been for a WOF in late Dec and no movement what so ever..

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Postby agrath » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:24 pm

had sqeaking from front right.
i got a reconditioned arm installed by a recommended suspension place in manukau.
took all of about an hour.
cant freakin remember the name of the place now.
anyway, wasnt too expensive, and fixed the annoying noise. the guys said that my left side had already been rebuilt.
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Postby HZRDIZ » Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:08 am

agrath wrote:had sqeaking from front right.
i got a reconditioned arm installed by a recommended suspension place in manukau.
took all of about an hour.
cant freakin remember the name of the place now.
anyway, wasnt too expensive, and fixed the annoying noise. the guys said that my left side had already been rebuilt.

Yeh I got the FX GT all fixed yesterday. Basically the right side has ceased up which was causign the squeek - he lift it off the ground and the suspension just stayed in place. And he said the left was on its way out aswell so might as well kill two birds with one stone. I must say there is a vast improvement in the drivablilty of the car. For some reason it now turns sharper and the steering is a lot lighter so it must have had some affect. Anyway its fixed now and all im left with is the bill... great... bye bye $800
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Postby agrath » Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:17 am

yeah my right side had seized up but it only cost me about $200.
Ouch for your $800.

by the way, it was shock absorber services - couldnt remember the name last night.
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