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Postby jeremiahnz » Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:18 am

Ok, so how does this change things for me?

I would have
1x 4afe with loom, manual gearbox and ecu
1x 7afe with loom, auto gearbox and ecu

What combination of ecu/loom should I use to come out with a 7afe with the 4afe's manual transmission? What 'hacks' would I have to perform to get it working together?

Hopefully this clarifies things a bit. Sorry it wasn't a bit clearer at the start.

Thanks for the help so far!
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Postby Ae92typeX » Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:04 pm

I dont know spacific differences between the 4afe and 7afe loom and plugs. 'If' they are the same (plug and sensor wise) than you will want to just put the 7afe onto the 4afe box, plug in and plug the 7afe ecu in.
However, if they are not the same, then it is a case of replacing the loom to the auto 7afe one and doing what was first covered in the first page of posts.
I have no idea if the looms are vastly different but if you have them both now then check out the plugs to sensors and to ecu, check to see if there are the same amount of sensors etc. if you are very lucky it may just fit...someone here must know for sure though
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Postby jeremiahnz » Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:48 pm

I dont know spacific differences between the 4afe and 7afe loom and plugs. 'If' they are the same (plug and sensor wise) than you will want to just put the 7afe onto the 4afe box, plug in and plug the 7afe ecu in.

Assuming this was the case would I expect the 7afe ecu to work or have issues due to not recieving signals that it may otherwise expect if it had a auto?

but if you have them both now then check out the plugs to sensors and to ecu,

Unfortunately I don't have a 7afe yet so can't compare. I am just contemplating whether it is a good idea to buy this one with the auto box or if I am better to get one with a manual ecu etc.

Cheers for the help
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Postby kingcorolla » Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:59 pm

Go ahead and buy it. I would. (if i was in your shoes)

you already have a 4afe, box, loom and ecu. And your are purchacing a 7afe, box loom and ecu. You will have two complete motors, so you have two sets of everything.

In theory, the only differences should be the block, internals etc, but of course their will be odd differences that you will come by, and say "Heh, thats buzzy."

but you have the security of having two complete motors, so you can easily swap bits and pieces around to make it crank.

Sould be a POC.
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