GTZ Injectors

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GTZ Injectors

Postby Lloyd » Sat Mar 12, 2005 5:22 pm

Right, need some answers here that aren't just what people have heard from a mate of a mates cousins brother kinda thing.

Current setup is a 4AGZE with a T3 instead of an SC12. Its running standard ECU and I know boost cut is at 14ish psi but thats not the issue. Question is, how much boost can be run on the standard injectors before I start having fueling issues?

Most people seem to go to 440s but these 365 seem to flow a fair bit when we tested them.

btw, when the test benches say 5000rpm at 12ms intervals, is that a 50% duty cycle (5000rpm of the engine being the injector fired 2500 times)?

Cheers for any advice :)
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Postby EVLGTZ » Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:14 pm

Std ones aint bad at all. Cant say when mine maxed out as changed them pretty early on when upgraded the ecu but id say they'd be good for around 150-160kw at wheels maybe more.

Boost pressure...? all depends how efficient your turbo is.
Ex 4AGTE AE101 Levin - 13.3@173km/hr
Ex BPT BFMR Familia - 13.8@168km/hr
Ex 4AGZE AE82 - 14.2@163km/hr

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