Car running with out a map sensor?

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Car running with out a map sensor?

Postby Zak » Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:49 pm

Can a standard 4age run a 4age with out a map sensor or afm? As my car runs exacly the same with it un-plugged, but my mates one just dies. I have re-wired that part of the loom to make sure it's all going to the ECU, replaced the ECU, and replaced the map sensor, but it still runs the same.

Now my car runs rich, it was very rich, but it's getting alot better now. I have replaced all most every sensor on the car to fix it, but nothing seems to work. I don't know what it is, but I think it has some thing to do with the map sensor/ecu.

So any one have any ideas on why the car is running rich, or why the car can run with out the map sensor?

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Postby Lloyd » Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:42 am

Well if it hasn't got a MAP sensor plugged in then your computer doesn't know how much air the engine is getting and wont know how much fuel to put in so it'll probably run rich as buggery just to be on the safe side. Any chance of your oxy sensor being unplugged or completely rooted somehow?
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Postby CAMB01 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:47 pm

If the map sensosr is unplugged or not working the ECU will go into limp mode.
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Postby Zak » Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:56 pm

Well, I've got it running ok now, doesn't really smoke at all

But I haven't got the map sensor plugged in, it just runs rich if I do, I just don't know why it does, as I've replaced all most ever sensor on the car, and half the loom. I'll probably just leave it as it is now, caus I'll probably make it worse if I try to fix it.

I'm just glad I'm not spending $30 on petrol every day :D
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