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Postby CozmoNz » Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:42 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:thats like saying they have 4wd casue they go offroad often.... :wink:

im unaware of any overboost problems, dont know why they did it.

some diesels have throttle bodies.

if its sucking cosmo, how can it be 0 vac? if it was 0 vac it would run. ALL combustion engines need vacuum to run

ok, im not going to try think it out, coz i cbf.

deisels have tbs to shut them off when you turn the key off >.>

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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:20 pm

close... but not quite... the comment on restriction in the manifold is applicible to BOV, but not vacuum in the intake.

there are toyota diesels that run a TB. which as stated is used to help shut them off..... but also to control the airflow. the 1KZTE which is a turbo does this :wink:
it probably acts more like a boost surge controller than a proper TB. but you get the idea
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Postby Rob » Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:19 pm

Most deisels have a vacuum pump on the back of the alternator and is then then distributed by little switches which are electrically controlled.

Surfs are crap, don't buy one as i don't want to see it on my hoist
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Postby Fandango » Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:53 pm

Ive seen these lights on surfs, I recon green = most economical range
orange= power

I doubt it would have a 'overboost light' thats stupid. They wouldnt make the engine overboost from factory.
Ive never seen it on any other car, so why on a surf?

When I did my time at toyota, there weir at least 4 in the workshop getting overhauled etc , REAL crap engine apparently.
Apparently mitsubishi, toyota use the same blocks as their petrol engines. making them very weak due to the much higher stresses.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:25 pm

fandango.. not meaning to be rude.... but your all wrong there....

and they are not a bad engines, just the worst that toyota have ever done!
which is still better than a lot of others!!
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