leaking oil into the exhaust and consequently made the car to smokey
to drive (even at idle). (This diagnosis was given by the mechanic
at A Automotive, Glenfield)
He said he could replace the seal but there would not be much point
because a few months later it would leak again because of the way
the oil return was plumbed into the sump.
He thinks the oil return is plumbed to low which does not allow the oil
to flow back properly as there is oil on the other side of the return???

Here is a (crappy) picture I took and does this oil return look like its plumbed at the correct height to you guys?
I have been told it is by a mate, and he recomended I just get the seal replaced and don't worry bout what the mechanic said.
I just want to get some opinions on this before I tell the mechanic what to
do tomorow. Also, would this oil return level be ok under all driving conditions, ie: under heavy braking, downhill etc would the oil surge forward?
any feedback apprecriated.

PS: if pic doesnt work, copy and paste the address into the browser (right click, properties) thanx QikStarlie