by ChaosAD » Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:10 pm
Because I would rather spend the money on piss, tools etc than put the job in the 'too hard' bin and pay someone else to do it even though im perfectly capable of doing the job myself.
I you think of thing in terms of how many hours you have to work to pay for them it really puts things in perspective.
Ie, if you pay a mechanic $50 an hour for labour and you earn $12.50 after tax, then you will have to work 4 hours for every 1 hour he spends on the job. If he spends 3 hours doing the job (because its really fiddly and requires lots of piss-arseing around) you will have to work 12 hours to pay for it!!!
You could take whole a day off work to do the job and still have more money leftover than if youd payed the mechanic to do it.
Just something to think about aye.
NZ_AE86> So is 105 degrees the standard cam setting? or just one that you have found to work well for the bluetop cams?