The cheapest way to do it would be to sell your 4AFE powered car, and buy a 4AGE powered car ... that way you start off with a car that has brakes and suspension to match the engine.
I'm not dissing the 4AFE, but my daily driver is a 4AFE and my play car is 4AGE, and the difference is night and day. Purely from a dollar point of view, don't even bother touching the 4AFE, as it was designed to pootle around town. You could spend the coin, and end up with a car that just doesn't drive as well, or perform as well as a stock 4AGE would.
If you *love* your car, and want to stick with it, then do a 4AGE or 4AGZE conversion. But do the brakes and handling to go with it
Each of the 4AGE's has pro's and cons. The big port 16 is cheap, and goes pretty well. Small port 16 is more expensive, but goes really well. 20 valves I haven't driven, but I gather that in general they have more top end than the 16's, but that you really want to rev the tits off them to get anywhere in a hurry. Depends what you want to use your car for.
Above all though, enjoy your car, learn as much as you can, and don't pay too much attention to the flamers.