Ok i think i might have a slight wiring problem in the Soarer. I have considered taking it to an Auto Sparky but if I can get some tips on small things to check out just to make sure it's not a big problem then it will help me lots.
Every now and then...only occassionaly while i drive my dash (digi) and the H/U will cut out. As in power will cut out and they will turn off and back on within say 2 seconds.
Now the next problem that's just started the last 2/3 days is when i brake in my driveway to park the car the engine will cut out. The car will still be on but the engine is dead wich is really weird. Just the opposite of the other problem whereas power stays on but engine doesn't.
I think it might be an earth somewhere but if anyone has any tips on what to check and where to check them as electrics and wiring is not really one of my strongpoints.
Thanks in advance