AE111 exhausts Carib same as levin?

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AE111 exhausts Carib same as levin?

Postby KinLoud » Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:25 pm

Trying to sort a factory exhaust to replace droning fart cannon exhaust on my AE111 4age levin
Is the 4age carib exhaust the same as levin from (including) cat?
i.e. hangers in the same place etc?
I used to think that the orange and green tictacs gave you special powers. The orange ones would make you stronger and the green ones would make you faster. So i used to eat some green ones and run around my lounge as fast as i could, then eat the orange ones and try to pick up the sofa. I wish it were true!
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Re: AE111 exhausts Carib same as levin?

Postby 1I1 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:22 pm

Hey Ken I'm 99% sure the only difference will be in the tail pipe placement depending on bumper cutouts and or how far back the bumper is.
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Re: AE111 exhausts Carib same as levin?

Postby KinLoud » Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:18 pm

Thanks Mark
Got an exhaust from a blacktop Carib at Zebra in Manukau
It's a bit of a PITA because when they took the CAT out they just welded a pipe between the flanges so it was a 30 minute hacksaw job.
Gonna see if I can bolt it up if I cut the remaining pipe off flush
Or if I'll need to I'll get local exhaust shop to weld a flange on

$50 from Zebra (like pick a part) in. Manukau
I used to think that the orange and green tictacs gave you special powers. The orange ones would make you stronger and the green ones would make you faster. So i used to eat some green ones and run around my lounge as fast as i could, then eat the orange ones and try to pick up the sofa. I wish it were true!
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