fangsport wrote:te71 rolla wrote:theres 2 marks on the pulley, does it matter which one it is? and theres 3 marks on the block(20.10.0), do i just put the mark(pulley) to the 0 mark(block). and then i put the rotor arm to cylinder 1 lead aye?
cylinder 1 is closest to the grill aye? not the 1 closest to the firewall?
i had a little play around with it and it just dosnt want to fire.
if you have no1 at TDC (0 on the front cover) and it won't go, pull the dizzy out, rotate rotor 180 dergrees and re-fit.
lift the dizzy out of it's bore, spin the rotor 180 degrees, then refit. rotate crank 1 turn and check position of rotor(should at no#1 ).