strx7 wrote:2 words
The tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest, and of an object in motion to remain in motion.
The mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. If an object has a high momentum, it is more difficult to change its velocity.
So, all objects resist a change in velocity, but a heavier object is much harder to change in velocity than a lighter object.
A very easy analogy - just think of two cars, exactally the same power, exactally the same setup, but one has half a ton of bricks in the boot. Which one will be able to accellerate and brake faster? The lighter one of course. It has more momentum at the same speed simply due to the weight. This weight means the car is much harder to accellerate and break than it's lighter counterpart. That's linear inertia. The idea of rotational inertia is exactally the same, but of course it applies in a circle.