I don't want to get into this discussion at all...but I wanted to point out a couple of things
1 - Body roll/chassis movement isn't the same as weight transfer. When you're cornering at x lateral g's, your weight transfer is the same if you're running 200lb or 2000lb springs. When you accelerate in a straight line at xx g's, it doesn't matter how much the car squats, the weight transfer is the same. I know this isn't easy for everyone to accept but it's pretty basic physics.
2 - Anti roll bars aren't a free lunch, adding more ARB still stiffens the car in single wheel bumps, but to a lesser degree than if you did it with springs
3 - One of the real issues with running massively high anti roll bar stiffness and low spring stiffness is damping. You end up with such a difference in your spring rate in roll vs your spring rate in pitch/heave/warp/ride/singe wheel bump that your damper settings end up having to be a shitty compromise (unless you're awesome and have roll dampers

). I know dampers are a scary subject, but when you're talking about stuff like hitting bumps, running over ripple strips etc, having f-stiff ARBs and not enough damping to control them is a recipe for disaster.