Bazda wrote:I use a tap on my externals. Can adjust boost in 1s
You are quicker than me at opening bonnet, grabbing Allen key which has to always been in the car, getting out of car, adjusting, closing bonnet and getting back into the car. I am definitely better at pushing a button or flicking a switch
Had to do it on the dyno as on the road id be going near 200kph to get it done as there isnt any traction. Then I could only set up points. What if I want to use something in between. That was REALLY annoying
Have seen guys have settings on theirs at say 15 psi 20psi then 30psi.
Then they cant get traction on 30psi at the drags, 20psi too low but they cant tune the 25psi because they need to go onto the motor way to do so. And you need 5 runs at the minimum to set it nicely.
How is this worse than a manual one? Manual ones are MUCH more triL and error unless you don't know how to use the EBC properly, or it is a shit one (haven't found one that bad yet).
My tap always brought on boost faster than any of my electronic ones could. And held it Rock stable.
This is very much not a typical comparison of GOOD EBC (and obviously it can only perform as well as it is set up to) and manual control. For OP purposes a manual one will suffice, so for to purpose comes into it but otherwise I would never recommend a manual one over an EBC