by Logan » Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:52 am
Ive been researching this one for a while now, and so far Ive come up with no easy solutions. It really suxs actually, the best solution so far is metal king pads (which are still available) and like mentioned before a remote booster. The Diff is easy as it is usually a t-series diff, the disk brake diff from a te71/ae86 is a good conversion with only simple 2 link, it is easy to get the mounts swapped over.
For the front, it looks like a 5 stud conversion to crown brakes may work, which have HUGE vented dsics, other wise Ive tried to mix and match parts from every different corona celica crown, and no luck so far. Im currently looking into trying to something that whill bolt on with a custom bearing (well selected from the catalgoue).. If I find anything of interest will post it...
Also on a srpings note, It looks like v8 torona srpings mite be the perfect spring for the front...
SR Sold. Onto Other Things