by gt4mike » Sun May 23, 2004 4:21 pm
The SR20 and 3SGTE are probably equally good engines, the 3S maybe having better capability for extreme power with its iron block and not being plagued by the horrible valve/rocker setup the sr20 has. The difference is the SR20 comes with a good standard turbo whereas the CT26 on the 3s really isnt comparible to the T28 in the pulsar. The ct26 can be modified with bigger wheels etc, but the same could be done to a t28 as well, so until the turbo is replaced or upgraded it will always be a struggle to match the gtir performance.
The st185 is also a much larger car than the pulsar, and in true Toyota fashion its built in a very solid manner so it packs on about 100kg over the gtir - which is another place where some performance is lost.
Having said that, its all compromises, and the gt4 does have a much better weight balance with its longer wheel base, and a stiff chassis, and also its longer overhang on the back balancing out the weight from front to rear better and from my experience the handling is significantly better than the understeer prone gtir.
Any 4wd gearbox is going to be under a fair amount of stress from a high power engine, and the gt4 is substantially stronger internally than the gtir. A simple side by side comparison of the gear clusters makes it really evident which box will take more abuse. I have a friend who works mainly on gtir's and the amount of blown gtir boxes that he replaces is truely amazing. Most of them probably are getting given a hard time, but its definetly a consideration which should be made, and proves that they are far from indestructable.
If you are after a car to mod to go fast on a budget and are intending to get someone else to do the work I'd probably go with the gtir. The initial cost is more, but as others have said the availability of parts is much better and there are more mechanics who have worked on gtir's, so bang for buck the gtir will be quicker. If you want a bit more of a challenge - want to keep it toyota, and want to be one of not many owners that are brave enough to get their hands dirty and aren't to phased at the idea of having to fabricate parts then go with the gt4 and have something a bit more unique.