Hi folks
I've got myself a 1990 MR2, nice little car goes really well however I have one very small problem, the reverse lights don't work. Now the first impression is the bulbs are gone, I checked that and they are fine neither are blown, Fuses are all ok as well.
I read somewhere that the switch on top of the gear box that activates them can sometimes fail. Here is where my questions come in, I think i've located the switch but I need some confirmation before anyone pulls it off, does anyone know what this part looks like? Is it the part on the Gear box that is a white plug with (obviously) two wires coming out of it? Or is it the one that is screwed on? Which might be an earth.
I would also like to know if anyone knows someone that fixes these cheaply? It is in a rather difficult place and I shudder at the thought of taking it to any old mechanic as I cannot gaurentee they will put the pipes all back on properly and it's location makes it rather hard for me to get too.
Thanks guys for any help you can give me.
- Scottie