i decided to do a gtz conversion. I was wondering if u guys could give me advice. Ive been talking about it with my mates and they told me to do a gtz conversion and a turbo set up. If i do a gtz engine conversion i would like to turbo it at the same time.
Also do u kno how much it might cost me? i was thinking around bit over 3000 for just the parts..
and the parts i need to buy... at the moment i could think of is, vr4 intercooler, gtz engine (hopefully can find a good one through 'mr revhead'), gear box, turbo manifold, t25 turbos, piping, ecu + loom etc
i kno its no where enough but i have $2000 saved up at the moment.. my car got broken into last tuesday now need to get new windows and need to buy stolen stuff (mini disk etc) so will slow down the conversion a bit...
I will also be getting most of the engine done by a mate, and then finish it off by a mechanic things like ecu etc..
or is there anyother options i should consider?
thanks alot