FXGT Turbo is finally driving....few problems though.

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FXGT Turbo is finally driving....few problems though.

Postby ams » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:23 am

OK mate picked up his FXGT 4AGZE Turbo (AE101) on Thursday, pulls hard :)

The car runs a Link ECU, runs fine in a straight line.

Problem 1

Doesn't smoke when driving or usually when it's idling, but every now and then it starts smoking very badly when idling. Now I wasn't there when my mate (not super techinally minded) picked up the car - but the tuner mentioned something about replacing the thermostat as it was screwing up the cold start function on the Link.....this make sense to anyone?

How does one change the thermostat? It's ontop of the gearbox right? What needs to be done to get to it?

Problem 2

The car shudders when turning corners, doesn't sound like CVs, not exhaust knocking....engine mounts seem OK. Perhaps the gearbox/LSD? We are using AE92 driveshafts.

Problem 3

Tachometer not working, I'm sure I can figure this one out with some thought but if anyone has done this before and knows the easiest, quickest way that would definately be helpful.

Thanks in advance,

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Postby Stu- » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:57 am

Is the smoke quite pungent and only start after a couple of minutes at idle? Could be the rear turbo seal is on the way out, or, the oil pressure being supplied to the turbo is too high but you would notice that at high rpm when the oil pressure is at its max.
The thermostat is in the remote housing ontop of the gearbox. Two bolts and it cracks open. It should tell you the temperature it opens at on the lip of the thermostat.

What coil setup is the car running? If its using quads then you'll need a tacho interface which reads both inputs to the coils and outputs a single feed with he correct pulse width.
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Postby ams » Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:51 pm

It only seems to smoke every now and then when idling. Like it will start up, idle fine without smoke.....you can drive it hard - no smoke....then let it idle, it will idle fine, then randolmly starts smoking very hard....sometimes this doesn't happen at all....but when it does it is a lil' embarrasing sitting at lights with smoke pouring out.

So the thermostat isn't a mission to change?

Yes 4 coil, tacho interface? Is this something I could pick up at a wreckers? (I was thinking of using a microcontroller to change to multiply/divide pulses but thought there must be an easier way hehe).

Thanks for your help :)

Oh have I seen you car before in Jade's garage?
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Postby celica_tommo » Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:28 pm

Problem 2

The car shudders when turning corners, doesn't sound like CVs, not exhaust knocking....engine mounts seem OK. Perhaps the gearbox/LSD? We are using AE92 driveshafts.

Driveshafts could be the wrong lengths? You wouldnt want any more than a 10mm difference between the ideal length and your actual length. The inner cv joint movement is about 40cm in my experience. Might need AE101 LSD Shafts?
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Postby 1598cc » Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:04 pm

ams wrote:It only seems to smoke every now and then when idling. Like it will start up, idle fine without smoke.....you can drive it hard - no smoke....then let it idle, it will idle fine, then randolmly starts smoking very hard....sometimes this doesn't happen at all....but when it does it is a lil' embarrasing sitting at lights with smoke pouring out.

Valves Guides?
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Postby Stu- » Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:45 pm

ams wrote:Oh have I seen you car before in Jade's garage?

Yes you have.

The smoke sounds like the rear turbo seal.
Tacho interface unit will fix your problem, Ive got one actually. Drop me a PM.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:49 pm

EP71-4age wrote:
ams wrote:Oh have I seen you car before in Jade's garage?

Yes you have.

The smoke sounds like the rear turbo seal.
Tacho interface unit will fix your problem, Ive got one actually. Drop me a PM.

oi i need a tacho interface :lol:

oh and its jades and stus garage 8)
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Postby Stu- » Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:51 pm

Haha. Yeah man, Jade and Stu's grubby little junk storage space.
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Postby matt dunn » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:19 pm

ams wrote:It only seems to smoke every now and then when idling. Like it will start up, idle fine without smoke.....you can drive it hard - no smoke....then let it idle, it will idle fine, then randolmly starts smoking very hard....sometimes this doesn't happen at all....but when it does it is a lil' embarrasing sitting at lights with smoke pouring out.

My 20V turbo has exactly the same problem. Has had a different turbo fitted and when the head was apart they checked the valve seals and said they were ok but diddn't replace them.

Still cant find the problem. Only at idle, only sometimes.

Now makes me wish i had fitted new valve seals anyway.

Let us know if you find the problem.

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Postby SilverTe » Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:02 am

Ok its not a toyota but my turbo primera does the exact same smoking thing. Mechanic said it could be running way to rich at idle causing bore wash :( Only happens when cold and idling. Be interesting to see what you find.
Last edited by SilverTe on Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:01 am

if u can get a hold of a vaccuum/boost gauge, hook it up temporarily to the manifold, those gauges can tell a LOT whilst tuning, checking at idle, and at cruise.

A fluctuating needle on the gauge, at idle, but steadys out as speed increases can meen worn valve guides, Theres a few test u could do with a vaccuum gauge.."hold up, let me get my tuning book..........................

i could pm the symtoms on the gauge, if u can do a vaccumm test :D
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Postby vvega » Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:43 am

EP71-4age wrote:Haha. Yeah man, Jade and Stu's grubby little junk storage space.

you ant seen grubby till ya seen mine
i have shit i dont even know i have :)

Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:18 pm

The car shudders when turning corners, doesn't sound like CVs, not exhaust knocking....engine mounts seem OK. Perhaps the gearbox/LSD? We are using AE92 driveshafts

check you have the correct shafts, non lsd shafts are longer and hit the centre of the lsd soon f***ing it....
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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:48 pm

vvega wrote:i have sh*t i dont even know i have! :)

thats funny man :D i got parts like that aye
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Postby TWSTD » Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:28 pm

Promlem 1 (smoke): is eaxctly what i had when i built my 7afte in the carib - the crankcase couldnt breathe sufficiently. Make sure you have the PCV valve and line still in-tact - too many ppl pull these out and plumb them into a catch can. YOU NEED THE PCV - especially when you convert a NA toyota engine to turbo from my experience. If thats still not enough make sure you have restricted the oil feed to about 1.5-2mm or so. Also make sure the oil drain from turbo is large enough and the oil can flow freely downhill. Further work you can do is add more crank case breathers or enlargen the ones that already come in the head.
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Postby ams » Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:35 pm

Thanks for all the replies :) I have to say this forum has been a huge help through the whole project - you guys really seem to know your stuff.

OK we're going to do some furthur inverstigation on problem 1, so I can give more specific information to you guys. Suspects now are cold start, valve guides?

Problem 3 solved :)

Problem 2 - it looks like we need AE101 driveshafts right? If anyone has any please PM me.

Thanks again,

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Postby 4ageturbs » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:23 pm

Ae101 drive shafts had to be shortened to fit in my Ae92, it made knocking noises wen goin round corners, ul have to cut ur end cvs of and by new 1s cause aparently the drve shafts wont fit in a press, bout 4 to 5mm each side
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