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Postby Caveman » Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:31 pm

My celica seems a bit lacking around 6000rpm It runs fine up to 5 then it seems 2 run out :?. Im thinking the tvis is stuck off. What are the chances of this, the previous owner lived on a gravel road which i think might b part of the reason and the air filter was so dirty i almost wanted 2 clean the whole induction system. How would I go about this? Do you need to remove the manifold? If so are there any gaskets? Or can i just spray crc through the trottle body.

Thanks in advance. I know someone here has done a 4age rebuild and complained the butterflies where stiff and just sprayed them with crc which fix it.
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Postby pc » Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:44 pm

I'm not sure how the engine is positioned in your car but in mine I can lie under it and push the bar thingie on the suction thingie and move the butterflies, you could do this to see if they are really stuck. OK so it's not a technical explanation, I can't think what the bits are called.
If you know what part I'm talking about then you could also get someone to rev it up to redline while you are looking at it to see if it moves. If not maybe it is stuck or the vacuum line has come off?
If it's stuck you could fire CRC at the whole area and hit some of the moving parts.
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Postby Nathan Young » Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:17 pm

when i first got my celica it had the same problem
i put in a k&n air filter in the box and drilled some
1 inch holes in the bottom (under air filter air sucks
from top of box) this freed it all up and would red
line happly. 8) it now goes hard
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Postby Caveman » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:14 pm

Thanks pc for that. I'll have to test it to see if its stuck (its raining 2day :( ). The engine is tilted back (i assume to fit under the bonnet and clearence for the headers) so i'll see if its accesable. I might put a pod on, but i dont really believe any performance gain in this (esp if you dont duct it and your just sucking in hot air :roll:)

I might box a pod, my mate has a 4age with tvis and says he got his just for the sound.
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Postby kingcorolla » Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:02 am

if the TVIS stuck OPEN.. it would just be laggy down low, as the butterflys would be open.
If you reckon its runnin out of puff at 6k, could be coz the butterflys are stuck SHUT, which would cause shitt volumetric effiency at high revs

to check this?.. on a FWD, with a backwards tilt it could prove difficult. but if u could somehow reach it, could just try and move the linkages, (bar thingy..) but could be hard if you dont know what your feeling for under there.. Or you could attach a long hose to the vaccuum diaphram (suction thingy..) and just suck hard, you would know if they were moving by the vaccum you would create by sucking (if they were stuck you would get nothing)

hope this helps 8)

1998 wrote:Thanks in advance. I know someone here has done a 4age rebuild and complained the butterflies where stiff and just sprayed them with crc which fix it.

that was me :P worked well too
(and im still building....due to no cash :x )
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Postby Caveman » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:18 pm


Now i know what im looking for. I'm hoping its the TVIS because I can't think of anything else... then im stuck with a slow car.
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Postby nzae86 » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:52 pm

How about checking fuel filters and pressure, thats where I would start anyway by the sounds of your problems
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Postby Caveman » Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:48 pm

When I got the car there was a fuel problem (no fuel). Turned out to be the pump so I have a second hand pump off a bluebird SSS (sr20de) and a new fuel filter.
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Postby 10k 20v » Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:15 pm

what about checking other things like ignition timing and cam timing.
are u sure it's a 4age? just curious as thats the first 4age if ever heard of being tilted back
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Postby Caveman » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:32 pm

I dont remember saying it was a 4age, its a 3sge gen1 :P (the one with the yamaha head, apparently 120kw stock). I was thinking it could be a timing issue. Does anyone know the correct ignition and cam timing. I've put a new rotor and cap on, new panel filter. It might be the exhaust has had it :?[/b]
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Postby 10k 20v » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:07 pm

Thanks in advance. I know someone here has done a 4age rebuild and complained the butterflies where stiff and just sprayed them with crc which fix it.

ahh, thats were i messed up
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Postby kingcorolla » Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:20 pm

Has it just started lacking..? maybe cambelt jumpd a tooth.. 8O
i dont know 3s's, dont know how easy it is to check cam timing, my guess is just dots on cam wheels like most other toyotas.

if its gradually got worse, then you should start checking other things, like fuel, intake...tvis etc?
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