Tranny Conversion for Caldina GTT

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Tranny Conversion for Caldina GTT

Postby khoohuna » Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:46 pm

Hey all,

I was just wondering wat would be involved in converting the auto/tip gearbox in the gtt to a manual one? I have been told that i will need a new transfer case etc.. Can anyone plz provide me with some info on this conversion, how much will it cost,wat parts are involved, is it worth it???? :?:

Any help would be gr8ly appreciated.

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Postby Ae92typeX » Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:09 am

I dont have the spacific details for your car, but basically its a case of replacing from the bellhousing to the box.possibly (but I have no idea) the transfer case will be ok (some are part of the box & others more seperate)
Then you need other misc like pedals, linkages etc. Most probably you would be able to use the auto ecu, with a little wire modding.
Depending on where you get the parts (eg, if you have a manual wreck, or have to source newer) it could cost a fair amount, or a medium bit. How much were you wanting to spend? and can you do the work yourself are two fairly imorotant questions.
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Postby Dr-X » Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:42 pm

I've never understood people who buy an auto, just to convert it. Why dont you buy a manual in the first place? They are around, and not difficult to find.

And to answer your question, use the search function.
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Postby khoohuna » Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:54 pm

Thanks for ur help so far, i am willing to pay about $1500-$2500. Wats a ball park figure u reckon if i got a shop to do it? And do u no where a good place that would do this at a reasonable price?

And as for Dr X, i was unable to find nething that could help me using the search function, thats why i posted a question.Isnt that the point of having a "Tech Questions" message board?so u can ask for sum help from fellow toyspeeders? And when i was looking for a gtt, it was hard to find a manual version. Most the ones i inspected were the auto/tip version so yeah...

Anyways thanks for the help so far, ne more info would be gr8ly appreciated.So keep them coming in. :D
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Postby Just_Juzz » Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:00 pm

My opinion: tiptronic gives you the best of both worlds.

It will cost you more then $2500.

New gear box, pedals, linkages, maybe ecu.

Not to mention cutting holes everywhere to make things fit.

Clutch, flywheel blah blah blah.

Not to mention labour, unless you want to do it yourself.
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Postby GT-T » Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:48 pm

Yes, I agree.
Cost too much to convert it.
Tiptronic is not that bad anyway.
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Postby snwtoy » Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:19 am

Sell it and buy a manual version. There's no difference in the prices. There you have the conversion for free!
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