Clunking/loose sound in front end of AE101 FXGT

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Clunking/loose sound in front end of AE101 FXGT

Postby G-shock » Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:27 am

I just recently bought this FXGT, it had a ver loose sound in the front like the front end was going to fall off, so I bought it!
Straight into the Mechanic and he says the super strut suspension ball joints are shot etc...sounds like its the problem of the clunking noise??

well $1100 later, new strut joints, a new CV joint and boots etc I drive away and the car has exactly the same noise.

Drove it straight to the testing station for a WOF and it passed! tho the testing guy drove it out and around and before I could out to the car it had driven it back around into the station and was looking under it again, I knew what he was looking for....I felt like I was busted!

He comes around again and says theres something really loose but he can't find where the noise is coming for, the suspension is all tight and it passes the WOF as the noise has nothing to do with any safety factors I guess.

The noise occurs when you drive down the motorway not even hitting any pumps, just sounds like something across the front behind the peddle box is floating around clunking, also happens over pumps in the road more on uneven surfaces.
with the car off I gave the steering wheel a few tugs and it sort of made a similar clunk sound yet the is no play in it??
could it be something to do with the steering box?
any other ideas on this noise!!!


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Postby Disco » Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:45 am

Have you had a nice close look at your engine mounts? - does the car bounce around when you take your foot on and off the gas?

how many k's has the car *say* its done? :D
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Postby G-shock » Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:41 pm

Its done lots of Km's 157,000 , have looked at engine mounts and they seem ok, doesn't move around when taking foot off the gas, handles good.
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Postby kingcorolla » Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:50 pm

does it make the noise when you turn the steering wheel lock to lock? Try it when the front wheels are off the ground too.
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Postby wildchild » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:25 pm

i had the same problem, it sounds exactly the same, its the pulleys down the side of your engine that your cam belt sits on etc, the sound sounds like cronic tappit rattle if it sounds like that then take it to a garage straight away cause it will be wearing the key out of the pulleys and in a short time will fuk up your cam shaft, i was a matta of days from loosin the whole lot aye if it sounds like the above go get it check out, or check it yourself, it could be a loose pulley bolt, or a stripped key
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Postby 10k 20v » Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:15 pm

try tightening the top nuts of the front shock absorbers, they come loose all the time
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Postby G-shock » Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:13 am

It was a loose ball joint on the torsion bar that runs under the driver and passenger foot wells.
I can't believe the amount of noise that could come from such a small rod and joint, I guess it echos along the whole torsion bar.
Just wish the mechanic could have tightened it, hes going to check some other joints next week, there are so many parts to the suspension in these cars!
now just gotta fix the temp gauge.

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