kingcorolla wrote:is the ground wire you are replacing the ecu earth on the head/inlet manifold? If so it should be reasonably thick because it is a grounding point for several components.
Im not sure if the wire I replaced was the ECU earth...
It was a black wire about 4mm thick attached just under the rocker cover on the same bolt as a hook thingy (I think its a engine hook to lift engine etc) and connected to the chassis by a near by bolt.
I went to Dick Smith and asked about replacing it and I bought 12mm thick cable and crimps and replaced the melted wire.
Wear is the ECU earth located?
HRT wrote:Just ground everything to the chassis, will have exactly the same effect.
I'm assuming that you melted the wire due to being too near something hot rather than excessive current through it?
Yeah I was thinking of grounding more stuff to the chassis
What "stuff" do u think I should ground and where are they?
Does grounding the rocker cover basically ground all the ignition and fuel injection components etc?
Nah the orignal ground wire wasnt near anything that could have melted it really, it was too straight and short to touch any hot surfaces near it. It had a plastic connector in the middle of the wire that melted, the actual rubber insulation was fine.