LINK- help-ish<<<< 4agte boys

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Postby RedMist » Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:53 pm

What configuration? Your probably much better off downloading the manual. Thats if its a V3 or above.
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Postby YeMs » Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:30 pm

its a second hand link, got it with his 4agte setup.. the loom has been pretty boogied up tho. i think its either a v3 or a v4 but has been programmed to run on the 4agte. reason for the question is the loom (apparently a complete wire on for the starlet) is theres a few bits and pieces that are abit up the feck. the coil wires are abit funky, and there is a funny lookin plug that runs up to were the steering wheel would be, we are assuming its for a hand controller, also the the wires from the injector banks. theres 2, 1 runs 1&4 bank and the other runs 2&3 bank, these 2 wires come to the steering wheel side, have a plug, and then 2 more wires loop back to the link plug. we are assuming this is for sum sort of extra fuel control or sumthin. any way a pin diagram for the link if any 1 has 1 would b great
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Postby 3T-Rona » Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:51 pm

yeh been on the link page and i cant seem to find any manuals or ne thing.
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Postby RedMist » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:26 am

The answer is Helmholtz!

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Postby 3T-Rona » Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:17 pm

yeh instructions dont include 'the red wire goes to the ignition, the black wire goes to ground'
come on guys any one with a 4agte running a link willing to help......
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Postby atmosports » Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:54 pm

Page 9 of the instructions on their website gives you the Link ECU pinout, you should be able to work from this, if not then perhaps you should get someone else to give you a hand. There will most probably not be a Link to 4age wiring diagram, this is due to the fact toyota never stuck to the same colours, I've had 4 ae92's in with the facto stcok engines/wiring/ecus etc & all have had the same engine/ecu but different colour wiring. Add to the this all the different 4age specs through the years & different igntions/injectors etc , plus NZ,JDM, rest of world spec etc makes it even more difficult. It's only 20 odd wires on a LEM & pretty self explanatory if you take your time & read the manual carefully. If you still have no luck you could try ringing/faxing/emailing link direct & asking for a 4age wiring diagram.
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Postby RedMist » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:15 pm

It also depends on how you configure the unit. What RPM triggers you use? Wasted spark? Water temp trigger? Shift lights? VVT or other RPM related trigger. I've got two Links in two 4ages. Both are configured totally differently.
As atmosports and I both stated. Follow the manual, if you take it one wire at a time you shouldn't have too much of an issue.
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Postby atmosports » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:20 pm

Where abouts are you located, as somewhere here may be able to help, can't see anything listed as for your location. Basically power,gorund etc are gonna be the same regardless but the inputs & outputs will vary depending on your link configuration is it running MAP, TPS or both???, what ignitions setup are you using the facto distributor or crank angle setup?? as the wring will be different. It will also depend on what coil/ignitor setup the link was configured for, as we get them configured for all sorts fo coils/ignitors & you can't always swap the ecu from car to car if the igntion systems is the same. Post up here as much info as you can find on what inputs/otuputs the previous owner used & then we can possibly help more.
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Postby gdsup » Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:28 am

go see lynn at speedfactor, hes got a ae85 and spends all day with link's
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