4agze engine light problems

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Postby Monsterbishi » Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:28 am

Then you probably have the wrong two wires jumpered, or the connection isin't good enough between them, in that case, jumper them at the ecu end of things.

If that doesn't work, then chances are your ecu could be failing.
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Postby joe(nz) » Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:46 am

JiNX wrote:jumper them at the ecu end of things.


Hey man, could you explain how to do this please? Cos im sure Ive jumperered the correct pins.
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Postby Monsterbishi » Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:23 am

ok, what is your car, AE92, AW11? All that essentially needs to be done is trace the two diag wires back to the ecu and jumper them there, although you could start out by taking out your ecu, unscerwing it's lid and examing it for any leaking caps, etc.

If it's a AW11, I could probably meet up with you and you could try out my AFM ECU in your car to see if it does the same thing, I've got a MAP AE92 SC one around here somewhere...
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Postby joe(nz) » Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:21 pm

Sorry should have said - its an AE101 GTZ. Is the ECU under the passenger seat?

Also I just rang Ilam Toyota and they want to charge me $68 (1 hours labour) just do the diagnostic check 8O ) screw that!
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Postby Monsterbishi » Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:49 pm

Hmm, I'll have to pass on that question(have never looked at a 101 before), normally the ecu is bolted up under the dash somewhere...
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