4agze with map die at 5500rpm

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Postby event2 » Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:21 pm

mmm yes interesting.
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Postby evil_si » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:05 am

i have tried avgas, makes no difference,

in my own car it will only cut when the car is cold at 5800, after approx 10 minutes driving it will pull hard right thru,

is this the norm?> or are there cars that do it constantly.

ive done a lot of pulley kits and it is less evident with one installed, a lot of guys actually swear it gets rid of it all together, but i can still feel it in mine. :roll:

does coverting to turbo make any difference with standard ecu? will it still cut at 5800?
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Postby pc » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:40 am

I'm just guessing here... but it sounds like a safety feature of the ECU. maybe it won't let the engine rev hard until everything is properly warmed up.
Maybe if the car hits a rev cut at 5500rpm even after the car is warmed up a temp sensor is malfunctioning?
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Postby FLAWLES » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:46 pm

KinLoud wrote:EXCEPT - when I had to put 96 in it instead of 98 - it would have a bit of a power drop at about 5500rpm.
My theory - it could be octane related.

this would be the answer in my opinon

im running a 10psi pulley kit and the abv mod + other mods, and if i run the car on 96 it doesnt wanna come out and play past 5500rpm
run it on 98 or higher " like avgassmmmmmmm bad for oxy sensor " it lovvvvveeeeesssss it something bad, revs and boosts till red line

this is my opinon

im sticking to it :wink: :lol:
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Postby EVLGTZ » Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:19 am

levinwreck wrote:i will stick by that opinion also. avgas is the shizzle. i have never had me gze cut out after 5500 even when its cold so maybe the AFM ones have if not sure if i have an aFM one but hey

yours is most likely afm. Almost certainley I'd say
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